I have experienced issues either directly or indirectly with organisations that use Amazon's Simple Email Service.
After some investigation my plesk based mail server uses grey listing to cut down on spam emails. One consequence of this is if it does not recognise the mail server it will grey list it, essentially delaying the delivery of the said email. Eventually it will deliver it but chances are any token attached will have long expired.
One approach to speed up the delivery of these types of emails is simply to add the said mail server to the list of white listed servers. Here I show you you how.
Firstly we can see there is a problem by checking the mail logs:
tail -1000 /var/log/maillog
Here we can see entries like so
May 3 12:05:55 loboweb2 postfix/smtpd[19565]: 853032183F: milter-reject: DATA from a8-91.smtp-out.amazonses.com[]: 451 4.7.1 Service unavailable - try again later; from=<0100016a7d4d910a-c6785da7-e479-45ec-96ca-ce4660196fbf-000000@amazonses.com> to=<info@danlobo.co.uk> proto=ESMTP helo=<a8-91.smtp-out.amazonses.com>
This tells us that there is a problem with delivery of Amazon SES emails.
To resolve this we essentially need to white list Amazon's SES service to prevent a delay in receiving these emails. Lets first check to see which servers are already white listed:
/usr/local/psa/bin/grey_listing --info-server
This will return something like:
Grey listing configuration.
Grey listing checking enabled
Grey interval 5 minutes
Expire interval 51840 minutes
Penalty interval 2 minutes
Penalty disabled
Personal grey listing
configuration allowed
Server-wide black list:
Server-wide white list:
White domains patterns list:
Black domains patterns list:
SUCCESS: Gathering of server wide information complete.
[root@loboweb2 git]# /usr/local/psa/bin/grey_listing --info-server
Grey listing configuration.
Grey listing checking enabled
Grey interval 5 minutes
Expire interval 51840 minutes
Penalty interval 2 minutes
Penalty disabled
Personal grey listing
configuration allowed
Server-wide black list:
Server-wide white list:
White domains patterns list:
To add amazon to the 'White domains patterns list', use the folowing syntax:
/usr/local/psa/bin/grey_listing --update-server -domains-whitelist add:*.amazonses.com
For good measure you can also update the 'server wide white list'.
/usr/local/psa/bin/grey_listing --update-server -whitelist add:*@amazonses.com
I am not certain what the correct protocol here. Previous entries seem to use the -domain-whitelist where as other documentation seems to mention using the 'server wide white list'? Some further investigation required perhaps.
Once done, check that the 'White domains patterns list' has been updated and then restart your mail service:
/usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/mailmng-service --restart-service
With a bit of luck you will now receive emails form amazon SES without a delay.
grey listing linked in
Okay it looks like there are other services other than amazon that are affected by grey listing.
adding linkedin
So I can confirm that simply running the following seems to circumvent the issue even with out restarting the mail server.
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