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StudyLink / Coursefindr / DEM

Submitted by daniel on

Client: Digital Education Marketing

I was responsible for providing support, bug fixing and the successful resolution of a variety of issues across DEM's codebase for both StudyLink, Coursefindr and The Editor reporting/admin/portal site. The main websites utilised the following:

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Submitted by daniel on

Croner-i Tax Audit and Accounting

Agile based development for online publishing platform of HR, Accounting and Legal Professions News and Information

Croner-i App

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Sharp End

Submitted by daniel on

Created SPA (Single Page Application) using Create React App. This SPA targeted mobile devices to handle competition codes or tokens that returned either success or failure journeys depending on whether the entered code matached a winning code or not. This SPA incorporated a simple Lottie file animation into winning user journey. Use of Amazon Web Console to deploy site.

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Caterham Cars

Submitted by daniel on

Acting as lead PHP Developer to help fix any issues prior to a successful launch of new Caterham Cars website and Dealer Portal. 

  • Headless Symfony site build with Wordpress back end.
  • CRM integration
  • Mailchimp Integration
  • RESTful  implmentation
  • Digital Ocean

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