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Daniel Lobo BA (Hon’s)


Experienced Full Stack Web Developer.


Front End

  • W3C standard compliant HTML and CSS.
  • Use of pre-processors such as SASS, SCSS and LESS.
  • JavaScript including jQuery, ES6, Typescript.
  • React components and atomic design principles.


  • PHP and MySQL
  • Node.js and Express.
  • Python

Dev Ops

  • LAMP Server administration (including support for running and maintaining Java applications)
  • Version Control, public and private git repos including Gerrit, GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket.
  • Continuous Integration.


  • Advocate and champion of open source software, open standards and an open web.
  • Agile methodologies and ceremonies, including Scrum, Extreme and Kanban.
  • Atlassian Tools such as Trello, Jira and Confluence.
  • Peer code reviews and teamwork.
  • TDD and BDD including experience writing PHPUnit tests.

Work Experience

Drupal Web Development (Drupal 10.x)

August 2022 - Now
  • Updated personal portfolio of websites to Drupal 10 and reworked sites to take a "search first" approach.
  • Contributed search api views ajax module that adds support for a query string when using an AJAX enabled View with a search view exposed field.
  • Contributed 7 new migrate process plugins. Dramatically improved website's article scraping and curation functionality.
  • Published new php wrappers for python scripts centred around article scraping and curation. This includes a wrapper for newspaper3/4k and another one that adds a PlayWright wrapper.
  • Contributed configurable views ticker type text module that utilises a contributed Ticker Type Text jQuery plugin, also published on npm
  • Updated theme to latest version of Bootstrap and implemented new dark mode and use of css grid. Implemented and contributed new Bootstrap Sass Starter Kit. The starter kit allows you to quickly create a custom theme in Drupal without any Base theme dependencies. The starter kit also works with Style Guide (admin) module out of the box.  
  • Contributed to numerous Drupal issues within both core and contributed Drupal modules and themes. This included over 10 core patches and numerous contributed patches.
  • Contributed a new social post x to enable automated posting of new website content to X. This helped to boost website exposure and contributed to considerably boosting website traffic and visitors.
  • Contributed new Style Guide (admin) module that allows Drupal site admins to view how theme components look from the admin UI.
  • Added support for web push notifications.

PHP Web Developer (Zend Framework), Digital Education Marketing, WFH (Part Time)

May 2021 - December 2022
  • Provided support for namely, and
  • Made sure that URLs with tracking reporting are genuine and originate from the site to counter third party spamming.
  • Assisted with resolved issues following a move to HTTP/2.
  • Investigated and fixed ranking issues around the use of Sphinx Search API Indexes.
  • Forked and updated PHP Sphinx Search Client wrapper.

Drupal Developer, Admiral Group, WFH

May - July 2022
  • Updated Drupal based sites from Drupal 8 to 9, including both contributed and custom modules, themes and profiles.
  • Assist team with the use of Kubernetes and Azure Pipelines (Helm) to help ensure a successful release.
  • Fixed issues when exporting large batches of Webform submissions across multiple web heads.

Drupal Developer, Design House, West End/WFH

October 2021 - May 2022
  • Worked with Design Director and other members of the team to successfully re-theme and rebrand
  • Migrating codebase to a Pantheon hosted server.
  • Set up Bitbucket and git workflow.
  • Implemented various new reusable components as per new design requirements.
  • Worked extensively with paragraphs module and twig templating system.
  • CSS changes, including updating typography, implementing a complex colour scheme.
  • Ensured that site designs were implemented in a responsive way that worked consistently across browsers.
  • Audited site for GDPR and EU Cookie Compliance and implemented solution to ensure compliance.

Drupal Developer, Collective World, WFH

September - Oct 2021
  • Worked as part of a small development team to help launch the new site.
  • Implemented forms that utilised the contributed Webform module that were used across different user journeys.
  • Implemented a module to incorporate and make available the Simply Postcode Lookup Service.
  • Implemented custom controllers for both the Test Drive and Request Brochure user journeys.

HTML Developer, Pernod Ricard UK, WFH

June 2021

Implemented and tested HTML email based on supplied designs for a Pernod Ricard’s Havana Spiced Rum.

Web Developer, WeMeanThis, WFH

March/September 2021
  • Provided support and embellishments to a Square Space hosted website
  • Developed custom jQuery plugin to assist animating hero text.
  • Re-worked the Video component to enable background video in order to conform to GDPR compliance.
  • Assisted with setting up EU Cookie Compliance web crawler and script.

Drupal Developer, Croner-i/Peninsula Group - Platform Development, Southwark

January 2020 - September 2020

Helped transition the day-to-day workload from an external agency to the in-house development team. This included: 

  • Resolving bugs from backend Drupal Shell migration issues.
  • Rolling out updates and security fixes around SimpleSAML.
  • Worked with the in-house designer to implement changes to the UI and UX.
  • Developed facility to import new content streams.
  • Actively involved with documenting existing codebase and writing up Knowledge Transfer sessions.
  • Conducting Peer code reviews on GitHub.
  • Preparing and made releases using Jenkins on an AWS infrastructure.
  • Fixed and resolved issues around development environments.

HTML Email Developer, AML Group, Farringdon

December 2019
  • Mailchimp Email Campaigns for Inflextion campaign.
  • Implemented and tested HTML based email template based on supplied designs on

PHP Web Developer, Brackets Digital, Walthamstow

October 2019

Debugged issues related to third-party ticket api integrations on bespoke PHP CMS and Ticket Event Platform.

Drupal Developer, Tonic, Blackfriars

Aug 2019 - September 2019
  • PHP Drupal 7 Site update and re-skin.
  • Updated & re-themed
  • Developed new reusable components with various modifiers that also worked on mobile and legacy browsers.
  • Worked closely with the Development Director to launch the changes to production on the client’s site.

HTML Developer, Google, West End

July 2019 - August 2019
  • Successfully assisted Lead Designer to implement new scroll spy navigation on Design Your Own microsite.
  • Tidied up the codebase and refactoring to allow for an upgrade from Bootstrap 2 to 3 and supported plugins.

React Web Developer, Sharp End, WFH

June 2019
  • Created Single Page App targeted at mobile devices to handle competition codes or tokens.
  • Incorporated Lottie file animation into ‘winning’ user journey.
  • Used Amazon Web Console to deploy POC.

HTML Developer, Hugo & Cat, Aldgate

May 2019 - June 2019
  • HTML Email's / Fractal / HTML / SASS / BEM / Handlebars.
  • Incorporated existing templates and patterns into White Label Component Library.
  • Created a new email campaign for Johnson and Johnson that was made to work and tested in Outlook.

HTML Developer, Shelter, Old Street

January 2019 - March 2019
  • Squiz Matrix / Adestra / HTML / SCSS / JavaScript.
  • Provided additional support and cover for the team during a period of digital transformation.
  • Working across the Business as Usual, Campaigns Promotions and Communications teams.
  • Assisted with content updates, bug fixes, implementing new components.
  • Set up mail templates, coded and launched email campaigns and circulars using Adestra.

PHP Web Developer, Bradley Dyer, Redhill

October 2018 - December 2018
  • PHP / Symfony / WordPress / Drupal.
  • Helped iron out any bugs and ultimately launch the new website.
  • Worked to resolve issues with third party api integrations, including with bespoke CRM and MailChimp.
  • Set up the prod server prior to initial launch, including configuring Capistrano script and setting up SSL certificates.
  • Updates and amendments to the Gazprom WordPress site.
  • Updates and amendments Keystone Development Company Drupal 8 site.

WordPress Web Developer, Immediate Media, Hammersmith

June 2018 - August 2018

React / PHP / WordPress

Working as part of newly formed Agile migration team to help with bug fixes and implement new sites and themes ready for the content team to start migrating content from a legacy CMS to Immediate's Wordpress based platofrm. I helped set up the former BBC Homes and Antiques magazine site. I was involved in code reviews as well as helping to on-board new staff members.

HTML Developer, McCann Health, Marylebone

May 2018
  • HTML 5 Developer / JavaScript / ActionScript / Adobe Animate.
  • Working with existing codebase to implement changes to rich and engaging multi-media sales aids designed to work on 4k touch devices.
  • Produced a MPU banner to work with DoubleClick campaign. 
  • Made changes to an existing native Adobe AIR application.

Senior PHP Developer, Reading Room, Holborn

December 2017 - April 2018
  • Working in an agency environment across a range of initiatives to implement new features, amendments, critical updates and bug fixes. 
  • Helped close some long standing bugs and also implement changes relating to GDPR for Multilingual Drupal 7 site Visit England.
  • Ingeus – Small changes to an existing Drupal 8 site.
  • UK Coaching – Facilitated Data migration from an existing Drupal 6 site to a new Kentico site.
  • Ipswich Town FC – Assisted team with launching Magento e-commerce solution.
  • Youth Sport Trust – Helped resolve Drupal 7 Salesforce integration issues. 
  • Freeview – Drupal 8 / Wordpress. Assisted with launching their coverage checker.

Lead Drupal Developer, Unipro, Southwark/Tower Bridge

February 2017 - September 2017
  • Working in an cross functional Agile team I helped implement Specsavers new Digital Design Standards component library.
  • Gained some experience working with Symfony components that were integrated with a headless Drupal 7 system.
  • Worked with both onshore and offshore team members to deliver change requests and fix bugs to Pfizer's Drupal based sites. 
  • Scoped and estimating new projects and initiatives as well as writing and updating required documentation
  • Helped to write user stories, acceptance and delivery criteria.

HTML Developer, TCS/Lloyds Banking Group, Barbican

December 2015 - December 2016
  • Working onsite within a large onshore and offshore development team at LBG Digital across a range of programmes.
  • Implementing various UI and UX related code changes across the groups brands. 
  • Helped implement changes to authorized forms that adhered to pattern guidelines and following UI and Functional Requirements. 
  • Contributed to a new React based project. 
  • Completed a number of training exercises, tests and courses related to Financial Services, Agile Development and Security.

HTML 5 Developer, McCann Health, Russell Square

October 2015 – December 2015
  • HTML 5 / JavaScript / GSAP.
  • Produced rich and engaging multi-media sales aids designed to work solely on Apple iPads using HTML, CSS and Javascript. All presentations were built on top of GSK's Strawman Kit / API.
  • Utilised the GSAP library to produce rich and engaging animations that would run well on all iPads within their custom framework/api.

Front End Drupal Developer, Platform-3 Digital Agency, WFH

August 2013 – December 2015
  • Worked in a team to help relaunch and provide ongoing updates to the Serpentine Gallery website and other projects.
  • Contributed to ensure a responsive and fluid user experience. 
  • Implemented a pioneering a new Differential Scroll implementation. 
  • Gained experience working with Icomoon and custom web-fonts. 
  • Theming MailChimp Email campaign.

Personal Projects

2006 - now currently has amassed over 20,000 Streatham related stories to date.

2008 - now is a football news related site with over 100k articles.

2005 - now

My own personal website and blog.


Last modified
Friday, July 26, 2024 - 14:58